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welcome to my blog.. thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to give you all the inspiration, before dropping out of this blog do not forget to follow my blog I am going to follow behind, thank you :) Cartoons Myspace Comments
Blogs are "alive" for me. . . and this is my style. . . I want to do something, it's all what I like, do not you protest! hohohohoo :-)) "People may laugh at what we make today, maybe they think its not important, but we do not know one day it will all be something very unusual thing in the future later..." with through this blog spirit, knowledge, ideas, and we can fight for it here. . . Do not ever be afraid to try something new, do it if you think it is a good thing for you, okey :-)) . . .And Do what you can do. . . Do not ever give up and never fear to fail. . . because of the failure will not make dreams we want to be an end of our lives and Learn from a failure because a failure is a path where we will be successful someday! continued enthusiasm and desire Reach as high as the stars in the sky :-))


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Rabu, 13 Juli 2011


Pemeriksaan Hemoglobin Cyanmet
metode Sianmethemoglobin

Prinsip kerja :
hemoglobin akan di ubah oleh kalium ferisianida (K3Fe(CN)6) menjadi methemoglobin yang kemudian di ubah menjadi hemoglobin sianida (HiCN) oleh kalium sianida (KCN)

Alat :
spektrofotometer / fotometer dengan filter 540nm
tabung reaksi
klinipet dan tip
tabung reaksi

Reagen :
larutan drabkin
K3Fe 200mg
KCN 50mg
kH2PO4 140mg
non ionic detergent 1ml
aquadest 1000ml
pH 7,0 - 7,4
larutan sianmethemoblobin standart

Cara kerja :

  • kedalam tabung reaksi di masukkan 5ml larutan drabkin 
  • hisaplah darah vena (EDTA) dengan pipet otomatik
  • hapuslah kelebihan darah yang menempel dengan kertas pembersih / tissue
  • masukkan darah dalam pipet ke dalam tabung reaksi yang berisi larutan drabkin
  • pipet di bilas dengan larutan drabkin tersebut
  • campur larutan dengan cara mengoyang - goyangkan tabung secara perlahan - lahan hingga larutan homegen dan biarkan selama 5 menit
  • lalu baca dengan menggunakan fotometer / spektrofotometer sebagai blanko de gunakan larutan drabkin
Nilai normal :

  • laki - laki dewasa : 13,0 - 18,0  gl
  • wanita dewasa : 11,5 -16,5  gl
  • wanita hamil : 11,0 - 16,5  gl
  • anak - anak (3 -6 tahun) : 12,0 - 14,0  gl
  • bayi : 13,5 - 19,5 gl
Perhitungan :

=   absorben sampel    x kadar Hb standar  = ........... gl %
     absorben standart

catatan hematologi 2010

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