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Blogs are "alive" for me. . . and this is my style. . . I want to do something, it's all what I like, do not you protest! hohohohoo :-)) "People may laugh at what we make today, maybe they think its not important, but we do not know one day it will all be something very unusual thing in the future later..." with through this blog spirit, knowledge, ideas, and we can fight for it here. . . Do not ever be afraid to try something new, do it if you think it is a good thing for you, okey :-)) . . .And Do what you can do. . . Do not ever give up and never fear to fail. . . because of the failure will not make dreams we want to be an end of our lives and Learn from a failure because a failure is a path where we will be successful someday! continued enthusiasm and desire Reach as high as the stars in the sky :-))


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Jumat, 22 November 2013

Preparat Awetan Cacing

Gambar Preparat Awetan :
gambar diambil pada saat praktikum parasittologi kemaren lalu,,

Diphyllobatrium mansoni

Cacing Ascaris lumbricoides

Ancylostoma duodenale ( Cacing Tambang Jantan )
Bursa kapulatrix posterior

 Trichuris trichura ( Cacing Cambuk Jantan)
Ujung posterior

Ancylostoma duodenale ( Cacing Tambang Betina )

Toxocara cati ( Betina )

Ancylostoma duodenale ( Cacing Tambang Betina )

 Toxocara canis ( Jantan )

Scolex Dypilidium caninum

Trichuris trichura ( Cacing cambuk betina )

Trichuris trichura ( Cacing cambuk Jantan )
Ujung Posterior

Fasciola gigantica  ( Cacing Daun )

Circumoral spine Echinostoma

Segmen of  Diphyllobathriumm mansoni

Proglotid Matang Diphyllobathrium latum

Proglotid Matang Diphyllobathrium latum

Ancylostoma duodenale ( Cacing Tambang Jantan )
Bursa kapulatrix posterior

Ancylostoma duodenale ( Cacing Tambang Jantan )
Bursa kapulatrix posterior

Scolex Dypilidium caninum

Scolex Dypilidium caninum

Scolex Dypilidium caninum

Toxocara cati ( Betina )

Ancylostoma duodenale ( Cacing tambang betina )

Toxocara cati ( Betina )

Toxocara canis ( Jantan )

Sumber :
Gambar diambil pada waktu praktikum parasitologi kemaren

2 komentar:

  1. Mbak mohon info dimana bisa dapat cacing pita atau cacing pipih ?
    Anak saya perlu untuk praktikum biologi ( SMA). Ditunggu infonya di ghozali_budi@yahoo.comj. Terima kasih.

  2. Assalamualaikum mohon info dimana mbak bisa menemukan cacing ascaris lumbricoides? Apakah mbak tau tmpt awetan preparatnya? Saya sudah cari kemana mana tetapi tidak ketemu mohon infonya ini sangat penting untuk bahan ajar email saya terima kasih sebelumnya
